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Framboesa (folha) 1 kg
Framboesa (folha) 1 kg
Framboesa (folha) 1 kg
Framboesa (folha) 1 kg
Framboesa (folha) 1 kg
Framboesa (folha) 1 kg

Framboesa (folha) 1 kg

  • Not many people realise that raspberry leaves are just as valuable as the fruit. They are perfect as an addition to a variety of infusions – teas and yerba mate.
22,90 €
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Raspberries grow delicious fruit, but there are also many valuable benefits hidden in their leaves. Until a few centuries ago, they were very popular in traditional herbalism. They are also used in the kitchen, making an interesting addition to infusions and bringing a fresh, forest touch to teas and yerba mate.

Additional information:

Ingredients: 100% dried raspberry leaves

Net weight: 1000g

Produced for: Venusti Sp. z o.o.

Country of origin: Poland

Best before: expiry date and batch number on the package

Raspberry leaves – how to prepare an infusion?

The dried raspberry leaves can be used to make a stand-alone infusion or added in small amounts to tea, yerba mate or mixed herbs. To prepare an infusion, pour 1-2 teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves into approximately 200 ml of boiling water. Allow the infusion to brew covered for about 10 minutes.

Código do produtor
Código do produtor
Peso líquido
Conservar num local seco e fresco.
Informações adicionais
O produto pode conter amendoins, frutos de casca rija, cereais com glúten.
Importador / Entidade Responsável
Venusti sp. z o.o. ul. Ostrowskiego 9/508, 53-238 Wrocław, Polónia NIP: 6121860348 REGON: 366578876 info@venusti.eu
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